Hi, SAndroidEans!
New year, new version. Here at the SAndroidE lab we had a busy Christmas time, preparing the new beta 0.3 release. You can find the .aar archive under the “Release page” on Github (this link).
The new release bring a lot of new features and some bug fixes. Let us start with the new features:
Added support for Flic Button
Yes, new year new cool device ready to use into your application. The Flic Smart Button is a cool device by Shortcut Lab; it is a Bluetooth Low Energy hardware button that can, according to the official website:
“gives you control of your apps and features with 3 different commands: Single Click, Double Click or Holding down the button. With the 3 commands on Flic you can take advantage of over 40 apps and features in your phone. These apps and features include taking a photo, playing music, and picking up an incoming call, and many other.”
Now you can use the capability of the Flic Button also in your own App using the SAndroidE Framework. Due to the characteristics of the hardware is still compulsory to install the Flic Default application to get access to the hardware. After that you can use the standard SAndroidE API to use the Buttons. Don’t sure if you have installed the right App? Don’t worry, a message will be shown if the Flic app is not installed.
Compatibility with Android 6:
We introduced permissions request dialog boxes, to let SAndroidE be compatible with android 6. Actually we request the ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions. More could be added in next releases.
Messages displayed
In addition to the “Flic Button App message” other notifications have been implemented, now SAndroidE:
- Display message if needed permissions are missing
- Display message if xml files are missing
- Display number of resources loaded by the Flasher App
Other bug fixes and behaviour changes have been made, please refer to the release change log to further information.
That’s all for this issue. Remember SAndroidEans, if you need support, have questions, want to add some specific feature join the forum and post an issue tagged as “enhancement” or question!!