The compatibility of the SAndroidE framework with BLE shields compatible with Arduino platform has been succesfully tested.
This work has been developed by Dr. Giulia Monteverdi in her thesis for Bachelor degree in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Università degli Studi di Brescia. This approach exploits the SAndroidE framework to implement a simple home automation system with a smartphone and an Arduino-based embedded system. The Arduino system is equipped with a BLE shield and, in this implementation, it acts as a simple gateway between remote sensors/actuators and the smartphone. Remote resources connected to the Arduino board are: four lights, two light sensors, a switch for the light management mode (manual/automatic) selection, an electric door lock, and a button for local door opening. On the smartphone, an Android App, developed with SAndroidE framework, manages the remote resources implementing the home automation logic. Two BLE remote nodes (Keyfob from Texas Instruments) are also used to issue a remote door opening command and to activate an alert in case a wrong passcode for the door opening is entered.
The thesis presentation slides and two demonstration clips are available for download: